Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Rei means “universal”, and ki means “life force” or “energy”. It is not connected with any religion and can be used alongside other conventional or complementary therapies. Reiki is administered by a laying-on of hands; it balances the body’s energies and enables the body to heal itself.
What can Reiki help with?Reiki can help with emotional and physical problems. Reiki balances and harmonises the body and can bring about a sense of greater wellbeing, positivity and an ability to cope with life’s difficulties.
What to expect from a sessionYou remain fully clothed and lie on a couch. I place my hands over your body without touching. Sometimes the recipient feels heat or cold. People report a variety of experiences: from a deep sense of relaxation, to being in a dream-like state. When the treatment is completed, you are advised to take a few moments to come round and drink plenty of water.
CostsYou will gain the most benefit from a one-hour session, but half-hour sessions can still be beneficial if a full hour is inconvenient.
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